Sunday, September 28, 2008

Some of the best posts I’ve read on the “Wall Street Bailout.”

From The Bobo Files:

There is an overwhelmingly clear majority in both the House and the Senate in Congress. If the Dems really wanted to pass a bill, they could do it on their own. I don’t buy their bullshit that they want to pass a partisan bill. They could care less about anything else, so why this? Could it be the fact that they are trying to siphon off 20% from the $700 Billion + to go to ACORN (the organization that Obama worked with) and other housing organizations? That 20% which is supposed to be going to pay down debt - they want to put it back in to the same kind of freakin’ organizations that caused this problem in the first place. They want to bail out stupid and/or unqualified homeowners on our dollar. They want to give money to an organization that is currently under investigation for voter fraud. Is it any wonder the Republicans won’t sign off on it?

From Shaving Leviathan:

Thanks to the creation and favored treatment of Fannie and Freddie, the CRA, the Tax Act Reform of 1986, and a host of other legislation, the mortgage lending market was severely distorted. Self-limiting free-market mechanisms that constrain bad investment decisions was thus removed. The Fed greased the wheels, and put the whole train on a roller coaster, through a years-long policy of artificial manipulation of interest rates.

(This is not to mention the ample funds Obama himself received from Fannie and Freddie. However, even at #2 on the list of recipients, $135,000 over three years isn't enough to make the case that he was bought, as is common currency on conservative blogs. It's chump change and a tiny percentage of the $150 million those two paid to politicians over the years.)

1 comment:

tashabud said...

Hi VH,
Thanks for reading and commenting in my blog.

As for this financial crisis we're in, I'm torn between going for the bail out and against the bail out. I know that if the government doesn't bail out Wallstreet soon, millions will lose their jobs directly and indirectly. At the same time, I don't want us to go further into debt. Additionally, I don't want Acorn to get 20% of the of the money either. So, I really don't know what needs to be done.