Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Bailout Cometh

Oh, it’s gonna cost us, dear taxpayer. We will rue the day that we allowed the government to take hold of the economy to the extent that it has over the last week or so. The bailout will cost roughly $6,500 per family or $2,000 per person. Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas to us! The Liberal hounds are howling their tortuous tune of how regulation would have saved us from all this. All I hear all day on lefty talk radio is the Glass-Stegall act and how it was wiped out by the evil free-market conservatives. “Oh, look what it has wrought!” Poor fools. This country is going to go down the wrong road and we will regret it later on with more government intervention. Sorry to break it to liberals but all of this is due to the government and it’s whacked regulatory bureaucracy. With this crisis and the populist call to have the feds take control, we get closer and closer to collectivism and more government control of our lives and economy. Progressives must be so happy.
Despite the bipartisan touchy feely-ness of the last couple of days, it looks like there is going to be a lot more ideological tugging and pushing rearing its ugly head. Does anyone want to doubt that our political class will screw this entire episode up?

1 comment:

Jesse Frederick said...

I'm with you: the government's rampant and unchecked spending and regulations in the name of...whatever and everything under the sun...has left us in a pit we will not soon get out, if ever.

But, as I point out in my last post on my blog, I also believe the American people have their part in the puzzle as well, as do dishonest corporations and greed on all side. We must not forget the housing bubble's burst is a big reason we are going through what we are now...and that burst was because of greed all around: banks, real estate agents, large corporations, government, and...yes...normal people (read homeowners and buyers and sellers).

Thanks for your post! Keep them coming!