Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Magnificence of Disposable Diapers

Art Carden at the Mises Institute sums up the beauty of disposable diapers. As a father of a 11 month old, I can attest to the sheer convenience and time saving traits of the modern disposable diaper. It is another example of how the environmentalists get it all wrong.


Anonymous said...

Good post! The cloth diaper fad was touted as an enviro-friendly method for mothers in the late 80s- early 90s. So I tried cloth diapers for my first child, but was completely liberated as a woman when I decided to use Huggies for my other three kids. WHAT a difference!

Water is quickly becoming a scarce resource. Cloth diapers, because of all the water necessary to maintain cleanliness, wasted so much water and detergent (and energy to make and clean them) it was ridiculous. HOW do these so-called enviro-fads get started?!

SBVOR said...


Especially where so-called environmental issues are concerned, emotion usually prevails over science and reason.

The DDT debacle is a classic example.

Mercifully, even the WHO now understands the tragic follies of the DDT ban.

But, before science and reason could prevail, tens of millions of people died needlessly as a direct result of this scientific illiteracy. Hundreds of millions more suffered horribly (and for nothing).

Man Made Global Warming is the modern analog to the DDT disaster (only worse).

SBVOR said...

P.S.) As Patrick Moore notes in this video, today’s so-called Environmentalists are FAR more anti-Capitalist than pro-Environment.

In fact, the environment is nothing more than a ruse for their anti-Capitalist agenda.

Paul Eilers said...

Whatever the greenies do, they better not take away my Pampers!

We have a 20 month old son, Brady. And when it comes to a number two, he can flat bring it!

So those disposables better be here to stay - at least for a few more years.