Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Does anybody still think that the bailouts were a good idea?

As big businesses get in line for a hand out, the prospects for taxpayers that are footing the massive bill looks nasty.


Matthew S. Urdan said...

A-I-G. Nuff said.

VH said...

You are so right!

tashabud said...

The bailout doesn't seem to be working. The picture for taxpayers, indeed, looks grim.


Paul Eilers said...

Why don't the compassionate Democrats, once they are all in office next year, introduce a stimulus package and pass it, so every single American gets $1 million dollars?

Compared to the recent bailouts, that is a relatively small figure.

Clearly, in a strict financial sense, if you took all of the money that is being used to bail out the auto industry, if that happens, the banks, the credit industry, the mortgage industry, any number of industries, just take all that money and give it in equal shares to the American people.

Then the average person can then pay off all of their debts, and have some money left over. That would certainly stimulate the economy, now wouldn't it?

So why don't the caring Democrats do it?

They don't do it because they realize it will not work economically and they don't want that kind of independence among the people. Liberals and Democrats need as many voters being dependent on government as possible.

And most of all, they thrive on having voters think that Republicans are responsible and conservatives are responsible for their woeful economic plight.

Anonymous said...

The bailouts are a horrible, horrible idea. It makes me absolutely ill that our president, an alleged Republican, pushed for the bank bailout and will likely be sending some money to the Dems, too.

Anonymous said...

Geez. I mean the "auto manufacturers" (not the Dems). Bush will probably be giving them a free ride, too.

Yes, this bunch would have bailed out companies that made propeller-driven airplanes in the jet age, too.
