Saturday, November 15, 2008

Compassionate conservatism hurts

I watched President Bush give this speech at the Manhattan Institute on Thursday. He praised capitalism quite a lot and it was very inspirational to some degree. Except that the size of government has ballooned greatly under his auspices as President. And the bailout frenzy is certainly an example of big government intervention and not free-markets. Lastly, I find it rather ironic and even amusing that liberals despise his economic policies yet Mr. Bush in many ways has behaved (even if you remove the costs of the Iraq war) like a liberal President--expanding the size of government.

"Compassionate"conservatism has been very expensive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with every bit of that. It would seem the true conservatives -- the free-market, small government folks -- have been tossed out of the Republican party.

So, we're left with Bush, his followers and their ideologically confusing policies.

What a mess.