Monday, October 27, 2008

Crude oil prices slammed by supply and demand

Oil continues to fall in global markets despite machinations by OPEC; The free-market works when it is allowed to. Since Democrats were howling several months ago that speculators and Big Oil were driving up costs at our expense, what about now? I'm sure they have a neat conspiracy theory to explain lower prices though. Lower gas prices will renew the call from the left for higher taxes to offset carbon emissions or for a government monstrosity like a carbon trading scheme. Stay tuned.


tashabud said...

I'm sure that the Democrats will take all the credits for the lower gas prices. They seem to have abilities to manipulate words and data to their advantage in order to decieve people. And the sad part is that when the Democrats speak, the majority listens, especially if the Democrat has an Obama name.

tashabud said...

Oh, I noticed my EC ad. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Could it also have something to do with the fact that Cuba just found 20 billion barrels of oil off the coast of the Florida keys (that should have been ours!) They also announced that they will begin drilling in 2 - 3 years NOT 10 that our government keeps saying it takes. Cuba has just become one of the top 20 oil producers in the world! Thanks Congress!