Monday, October 6, 2008

Best post I've read today on our economic pickle...

From the Economist's Cookbook on Time magazines torpid reporting:

So TIME spends paragraphs talking about easy money. But they neglect to clearly state that the easy money is the fault of the Federal Reserve! It's asinine to blame all of this on the greed of wall street. Greed is a constant factor of life. It's like blaming gravity when a plane crashes.


The_Chef said...

Thanks VH! I appreciate the nod.

Anonymous said...

So very true! I really see the Federal Reserve's hand in all these "crises." The FRB has got most of Congress wrapped around its finger, and all the power is almost completely consolidated. They are consigning us to a beggared state, completely in debt to them and foreign nations, and have encouraged the outsourcing of all our major industries. All it will take is a few more shakes, and they'll sew it up in a bag. Our goes our constitutional rights, in comes oligarchy and then tyranny.

I'm not a nutcase, either. Watch and see.