Thursday, October 16, 2008

All Hail Obama!!

After last night's debate and since McCain has failed to effectively make a real dent in this election campaign, we had better start learning the lyrics to this little ditty. We are on our way folks! A new tomorrow will dawn: A new America where the government has more control over your financial and economic life in order to make it all more "fair" and to "spread the wealth." For too long we have let the free-market run roughshod over the American people like a hungry lion devouring a helpless little lamb. Finally, the our government with the right selfless leaders in place will fix our country--provide healthcare for all Americans, put a turkey in every pot and install all the proper regulations that will keep us safe and sound while we sleep like baby's at night. Oh happy day. November forth can't get here fast enough.


James said...


Great entertainment!

November 4th will be here soon which is a good thing since that is the only "poll" that counts. I am not yet convinced that the outcome is already determined. It is an election year like no other in my lifetime.

VH said...

I hope you're right cause a super-liberal congress and a liberal president will spend this country off a cliff quick.