Monday, May 12, 2008

Hearing on energy speculation

A House panel to hold energy speculation hearing. Well, thank heavens! I was wondering how long it was going to take our idiot politicians to stand on a soap box and spew mindless partisan rhetoric about gas prices. I can’t wait to watch the hearings on c-span. The last time this topic was “investigated,” it turned out to be a laugh riot for viewers: Senator Barbara “chow chow” Boxer illustrated how talented she is at feigning indignant anger. Priceless.


Anonymous said...

You sound as if you don't think this will do any good. I can't imagine why. Who knows, they might give us an 18 cent per gallon break...that just might make my summer...

VH said...

It seems that a majority of Americans agree with you. Despite that the “tax holiday” will have very little long term benefits and negligible short term benefits. Thanks for your comment.