Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The skinny on Social Security

Dan Mitchell hits one out of the park and makes Mark Walsh look like a partisan hack in this clip. Yes, Sweden, the country that liberals love to hold up as the paragon of civilization, has Personal Retirement Accounts and they have not fallen into the ocean, folks. Sooner or later, we are going to have to do something about Social Security.


Rebecca said...

You know what I think would solve this problem?

1.) TOTALLY ditch the Social Security program. I'm Gen X, and I've known since I was out of diapers that I'd never see a dime of all that money I pay into it. Moreover, not having a SSN would be terrific.

2.) If they won't ditch SS, I say every Baby Boomer take a litmus test before he/she is allowed to receive benefits. The one question to be asked: Did or do you support abortion on demand, or did you ever have or support an abortion? If they answer yes, they are off the program. A good part of the demographic problem with SS is that the Baby Boomers killed off 35 million of their children who would have otherwise contributed to their retirement program.

3.) There's always Obamacare to solve the demographic problem...

Gary Anderson said...

Actually, the Wall Streeters are mad about the boomers taking their money and going home. Wall Street desperately needs Social Security money in order to keep the casino alive.

If you believe them, you are greatly fooled. They can throw a ponzi and bust anytime they want. They have already proven that. Don't let them have the money.

Gary Anderson said...

One more point. Wall Street is trying to divide boomers and the rest of mainstreet. Rebecca is apparently buying into the scam. Believe me, they try to divide everyone and take the eye off the ball of their criminal activity in the real estate bubble and crash.

VH said...

"If you believe them, you are greatly fooled. They can throw a ponzi and bust anytime they want. They have already proven that. Don't let them have the money."

Uh huh, unlike the federal government that has filled the "trust" fund with IOU's due to politico's raiding the account for promises that can't be kept. It looks like the government has yet again beaten those evil Wall Street types to the punch, eh?

At least with Personal Accounts there is a little matter of private property rights that doesn't remotely exist with the current government ponzi scheme. When you control your own money, you will be far more careful with it than having it taken care of by a politician that greedily seeks votes. Our overlords could conceivably bankrupt the whole federal budget and have little to nothing for social security left over and there would be nothing that anyone could do about it.

Mr. Anderson, you may trust politicians with your cash and your retirement funds, but some of us can manage our own property just fine. It seems that the Swede's would agree too.