Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Obama Apparently Drops Windfall Profits Tax Proposal

Ronald Bailey over at Reason has reported that Obama has queitly dropped the windfall profits tax idea on his website. If this is true, then there are going to be some really pissed Progressives around the country. I went over to his website and I didn't see anything on windfall profits and I distinctly remember reading something about windfall profit taxes on oil companies on his website during the campaign. If he has dropped this proposal then this would be change we can believe in!

HT: Andrew Roth


Jeffrey Perren said...

If so, it is good. But, at the risk of appearing glass half-full, the guy is such a chameleon, the uncertainty he creates might just be the worst thing of all.

Still, I'm holding my judgment (and my nose) until he's actually in office, unlike his hagiographers (like David Broder) who seem to think that by wishing he were, he is.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least we know he is for change, but even changing your own policy will make everyone on both sides start to wonder what Barack Obama will really do, if anything at all?

Rod Williams said...

Not only is he backing off on this, he is backing off on almost every position he has taken except cap and trade and health care, and I am waiting to see him moderate those positions. He has not appointed a single antiwar person t his security team, he has appointed moderate professionals to his enconomic team. He may leave 70,000 troops in Iraq. Change we can believe in!

tashabud said...

Not the President, yet, and already, he's finding out that giving campaign promises is much easier than actually doing it. Being the Prsident is making tough decisions and not giving out empty promises like the way he liberally had given out to his followers.
