Friday, February 27, 2009

California unemployment rate hits 10.1%

"As California goes, so does the nation," is the saying around here. Decades of liberal economics have crippled the Golden State. Now we have a progressive President and a very liberal Congress. Notice how many powerful Californians--all Democrats--there are in Congress: Nancy Pelosi, Henry Waxman, George Miller, Jane Harman. If the Californian economy is a litmus test, you can bet that it will not end well for the country in several years.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm..let's see, California and Michigan - both heavy union states controlled by Democratic Govenors (okay - so technically Ahnold is a registered Repub - but he sure don't act that way considering he's running it like a Dem) - highest unemployment rates in the country - next to New York - some of the highest tax rates in the country - yup - Those liberal policies really work don't they? I feel for ya Wil.

Paul Eilers said...

Because of the dumbass leadership we have in the Congress and Presidency, I have been saying it for awhile now, that the economy of the U.S. will soon resemble that of California.

We live in an area of the country that may not be hit as hard, but you never know.


Eat Well. Live Well.

Pauly T. Kal said...

Damned idjits in California. I'm with Paul - if those boneheads in D.C. keep up their stupid-assed social policies - we will end up like Kalifornea